Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma


The main part of this herb used is the Rhizomes/roots; usually taken as decoction, simply put, a decoction is your basic infusion juiced up to induce stubborn roots, barks and resins to release their medicinal properties. While most plants will yield their properties to cold or boiling hot water in a matter of minutes, some require a much longer period of time, say 30 minutes or more. This herb acts on the spleen and stomach channels. One of its properties removes dampness from the body; the other is a warm property that dispels the cold. Atractylodes can help expel wind-cold from the superficial parts of the body, and cold-dampness and excessive fluid in the spleen and stomach; therefore, Atractylodes are indicated for treating diseases caused by dampness no matter what is in the exterior or the interior of the body. The Atractylodes herb is widely used to strengthen digestion and assimilation and to move moisture through the body. It can help stimulate the appetite for those who need it, but it also helps reduce the appetite in those who overeat. Taking Atractylodes supplements and exercising heavily or performing other types of hard physical activity, will promote muscle growth. Athletes use this herb to build powerful muscle and to provide physical endurance. This herb is helpful for those who tend to experience diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting and fatigue, especially during the summer and in hot climates. Atractylodes is commonly used in formulas for conditions that are associated with poor fluid movement in the body such as edema, phlegm retention, and vertigo.

In China, this herb has an important anti-cancer reputation for Cervical, Mammary, Stomach and Uterine tumors. Science there has been tested with positive results

The above functions of each individual ingredient were translated from several Chinese herbal encyclopedias and other sources for reference. Credits go to the original sources of reference. Dr. Kay heals® does not make any claim implicitly or explicitly regarding the medical effects of these ingredients.

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