Rhizoma Zingiberis (Ginger)


Ginger root works on 4 meridians: Heart, Liver, Spleen, and Stomach. It is a good herb that is primarily used for the purpose of warming the body, expelling cold. It can warm the channels it works on and stop bleeding. It also has a somewhat anti-inflammitory effect. Seldomly ginger is used in dit da jow recipes but it doesnt receive much attention. Although, ginger does have a strong enough antiinflammatory effect to "reduce muscular comfort and pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis" (Srivastava et. al. 1992).

Fresh ginger is a class of herbs to promote digestion and is often times used to help in the digestion process, as evidenced by that big pile of ginger you get with your plate of sushi! It is also used to treat nausea and vomiting for things like motion sickness and dizziness.

The above functions of each individual ingredient were translated from several Chinese herbal encyclopedias and other sources for reference. Credits go to the original sources of reference. Dr. Kay heals® does not make any claim implicitly or explicitly regarding the medical effects of these ingredients.